Mission Statement: At Natomas Park Elementary School, we are committed to the academic growth and social emotional well being of all learners. We are united in creating a safe, engaging, and inclusive community for all.
HOWL!! It’s the Coyote Way!!
Natomas Park Elementary has an ethnically rich and culturally diverse student body.
Our goals are:
1. Improve the English Language Arts proficiency academic achievement by 4% and Mathematics academic achievement by 5%.
2. Excellence for Each and Every Scholar through meaningful stakeholder engagement measures by participation in School Site Council, English Language Advisory Committee, Parent Teacher Association, Community Events, Daily Communication with parents/ guardians.
3. All scholars will be successful through the development of targeted and coherent systems of support implementing a Schoolwide SST system, Individual SST meeting, MTSS team referrals and support offer, progressive discipline of referrals with social emotional support, extended literacy and math school day. Implement Coyote Wellness Center.
At Natomas Park we are committed to deliver a quality program to all scholars enrolled in our school.
This school year, Natomas Park Elementary is in year 3 of AVID implementation. Our two AVID goals this year will be to routinely use AVID organizational tools, such as binders/folders, to keep classwork/homework organized; and to use note-taking strategies, consistently use higher-level questioning/thinking in their notes, and demonstrate critical thinking skills in their notes.
Natomas Park Elementary is located in Natomas, a rapidly growing suburban area north of Sacramento, California. Its students come from many diverse backgrounds, which we view as an asset.
The school has adopted one basic rule: H.O.W.L.: Have Respect, Offer Kindness, Make Wise Decisions, and Be a Life-long Learner. Natomas Park Elementary embraces the ideal that a school must be a community of learners where each member assumes responsibility for the success of our children. We take pride in calling ourselves a coyote family.
Furthermore, this school year, Natomas Park Elementary is in year 3 of AVID implementation. Our two AVID goals this year will be to routinely use AVID organizational tools, such as binders/folders, to keep classwork/homework organized; and to use note-taking strategies, consistently use higher-level questioning/thinking in their notes, and demonstrate critical thinking skills in their notes.
The staff of Natomas Park Elementary actively collaborate using Professional Learning Community (PLC) practices and have developed grade-level teams to monitor student learning to support all children. Through our school Learning Recovery Plan, which is monitored in six-week cycles with pre and post data, staff work closely together to monitor student progress using common formative assessments to provide academic interventions, enrichment, and support. An extension of this Multi-tiered intervention system is the differentiated support through our What I Need (WIN) time.
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