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Natomas Middle School

3200 N Park Dr Sacramento, CA 95835
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About this Facility
Taken from the 2022 School Accountability Report

Located in northern Sacramento, Natomas Middle School is the only comprehensive middle school in the Natomas Unified School District. Natomas Middle School is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School that serves 611 students. Natomas Middle School is committed to developing a rigorous educational program that follows the framework of the Middle Years Programme. The program is open to all students in grades 6, 7, and 8, and all students receive instruction focusing on student-centered activities that require inquiry, collaboration, interdisciplinary learning, and real-world applications. Students have access to Nine academic subject areas:

· Language and literature (ELA)

· Mathematics

· Sciences

· Individuals and Societies (History)

· Language acquisition (World Language)

· Physical and health education

· Visual and performing arts

· Design

· World Language

As an IB school, Natomas Middle School partners with Inderkum High School for the Middle Years Programme. These schools share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that the Natomas Middle School and Inderkum High School partnership believe is important for our students. Natomas Middle School offers extensive elective programs that include Design, Art, Leadership, Choir, Beginning and Advanced Band, and Beginning and Advanced Orchestra. Our site also offers a comprehensive male and female athletics program and provides wrap-around counseling and intervention programs for at-risk students. The ethnic diversity of our student body promotes the IB mission to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. In addition, Natomas Middle School has a variety of extracurricular activities, including after-school clubs, Girls Leadership mentoring program, Improve Your Tomorrow (IYT), Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP), and TRIO Educational Talent Search (ETS) (in partnership with American River College). Additionally, we offer a daily after-school program immediately after school until 6 p.m. provided by the Center for Fathers and Families called Masters. Masters provides academic support, physical activity, field trips, drama, and community service opportunities.

Natomas Middle School holds true to the NUSD vision that all students graduate as college and career-ready, productive, responsible, and engaged global citizens. Staff are committed to ensuring students progress on this journey while attending Natomas Middle. NUSD has four core values:

· We value learning and achievement for each of our students.

· We value our families as partners in their students' education.

· We value diversity, equity, and inclusion.

· We value our committed, collaborative, caring, and exemplary employees.


NMS values and practices Restorative Justice (RJ). RJ practices allow the school to shift discipline focus from punishment to learning and from the individual to the community. NMS holds restorative circles each month focusing on a different theme each month. These circles are conducted by different departments throughout the year. In addition, teachers are encouraged to hold check-in RJ conversations on Mondays and RJ circles on Fridays.


NMS implements Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). PBIS helps all students through interventions ranging from schoolwide systems to a structure for developing individualized plans for specific students. The main focus of PBIS is to create and maintain a positive learning environment by empowering students and staff with a clear system for expected behaviors at Natomas Middle School. School-wide PBIS focuses on the development and implementation of proactive procedures and practices to prevent problematic behavior for all students and improve school climate. Implementation of PBIS school-wide takes 5-7 years. NMS is in year six of implementation. Our PBIS activities include issuing Panther Points when students are observed doing the right thing, Panther Points Store each Friday, staff vs student games, monthly lunchtime celebrations for attendance and behavior, and student raffles.


Be Responsible: Caring, Balanced, Principled

Be Respectful: Reflective, Communicator, Open-Minded

Be A Problem-Solver: Inquirer/Thinker, Risk-Taker, Knowledgeable

At NMS, we believe in the Joy Factor (#JoyFactor). Simply put, students perform better academically, and unwanted behaviors decrease when they are happy at school. PBIS supports our push to bring joy to each of our students.


In alignment with NUSD's vision, ALL students graduate as college and career-ready, productive, responsible, and engaged global citizens.


Natomas Middle School's mission is to educate and inspire all students to become caring, contributing global citizens who are able to be successful in an ever-changing world. We are committed to focusing on instructional rigor, cultivating individual academic success, and creating a community of respectful and responsible problem solvers"

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- Demographic data provided by the CA Department of Education
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Natomas Unified School District
Facilities Master Plan