Natomas High School (NHS) is a comprehensive, AP Capstone school that uses Advanced Placement (AP) courses and six Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways, along with traditional programs in athletics, arts, music, and student activities, to support students to graduate College and Career Ready. The “Nighthawk Way” is to act with Safety, Optimism, Achievement, and Respect, connecting each student with a sense of belonging and support to graduate empowered to choose the future and SOAR into it with success!
At NHS, students have the opportunity to earn an AP Capstone diploma or certificate, take a variety of Advanced Placement courses, and experience CTE Pathways offered in Engineering, Health, Automotive, Digital Media, Music Production, and Building & Construction Trades. A variety of campus programs, including traditional athletics, art, music, and student activities, are leveraged to provide student connections and create belonging on campus. Support for student success is provided through a variety of approaches, including English Learner Development and Special Education programs, derived from individual student needs to optimize student achievement.
The manifest of an inclusive campus culture is evident in the school-wide student activities and programs, as well as the annual activities preparing for the NHS tradition of Field Day; drawing students of diverse backgrounds, interests and abilities together for the regionally-recognized athletic event. With a College and Career Center at the heart of the campus, support for students within the school day is provided through college-focused programs such as Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP), Educational Talent Search (ETS), United College Action Network (U-CAN), and Improve Your Tomorrow (IYT), as well as peer mentoring programs such as Link Crew and National Honor Society.
Trauma-informed practices are leveraged in a school-wide focus for students and staff to grow a “Culture of Resilience”, and multi-leveled systems of support target intervention in attendance, academics, and social-emotional support. With a belief that the achievement gap can and must be eliminated, universal access to develop college and career readiness is supported through consistent guidance counseling and opportunities to take both the PSAT and the SAT College Admission Test within the school day for each student.
A positive behavior intervention and support (PBIS) focus on Safety, Optimism, Achievement, and Respect (SOAR) is embedded in school systems and student recognition. This is demonstrated in the weekly student produced news program, ""NTV”, which carries the messages crafted by the Stakeholders of Natomas High School, and through celebration of “Top Hawk” Honor Roll, Academic Improvement, and character-based SOAR Awards and in ELAC SOAR Awards. With a core value of being committed, collaborative, caring, and exemplary, staff regularly collaborate in the use of CCSS-aligned curriculum, Pre-Advanced Placement (PreAP) Principles, data-driven instruction, and assessment for learning in support of student success. With an understanding that “our diversity is our strength”, NHS prides itself in acceptance and recognition of culture, background, and differences of each of our students that collectively make up the Nighthawk Family.
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