Witter Ranch Elementary is a traditional preschool to 5th-grade elementary school. We have self-contained/cluster model Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) classes for grades two through five. Witter Elementary is currently in its fifth year of applying Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) practices in our classroom and our 2nd year as an AVID-certified elementary site in N.U.S.D. 25 staff members are currently trained to use AVID at the school. AVID strategies are used to prepare students to be college and career-ready. Students are taught to think and write critically in all subject areas using W.I.C.O.R. (writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, reading). All of our students are mainstreamed. Mainstreaming is the process in which our school serves students with Individualized Education Plans (I.E.P.s) with a hybrid of push-in classroom support and pull-out support.
A full-time speech therapist and school psychologist are on site. Students needing extended learning time targeted to their needs are offered support one hour a week for three six-week blocks. Witter Ranch has a full-time social worker on site. The social worker works with the staff and families to guide and support students/families with attendance, social-emotional, and academic support. Witter Ranch uses educational websites and intensive classroom support to provide academic enrichment and support for all learners. Children are provided 24/7 access to programs that allow them to learn at their own pace. Academic support staff, parents, and children work cooperatively at Witter Ranch Elementary in a safe and positive environment where all children can learn, be successful, and prepare themselves to be lifelong learners. Witter Ranch also offers a wide range of after-school programs for student enrichment. In collaboration with the P.T.A. and District, we offer boys and girls sports, art, chess, maker space, reading clubs, and L.E.A.P. after-school programs that serve 75 plus students daily until six and also offer some services during the school holidays. Witter's school goal is to provide some form of enrichment for all children from PK-5th grade.
The goals for our students are to:
*Develop good problem-solving skills
*Work cooperatively with other students
*Develop good communication skills
*Develop a sense of responsibility
*Be respectful to others
*Make good choices for a positive lifestyle
*Develop an appreciation for their community
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